Your Favourite Josh Kirby Discworld Cover – The Result

A couple of weeks ago, we asked the good people of A Cosmic Cornucopia’s Facebook page to let us know what their favourite Josh Kirby Discworld book cover was. We know, first of all we’re making you decide what your favourite Sir Terry Pratchett book is and now we’re putting you through all sorts of angst to let us know what your favourtite cover is! We promise* that we won’t do anything like this again. *Maybe.

As ever, we had a tremendous response, with over 250 people casting their vote. We love each and every one of Josh’s covers, so it was amazing to see just how many different opinions there was. We did, however, get a definitive answer … Read on, for the top ten results of Your Favourite Josh Kirby Discworld Cover.  In reverse order:

10. The Light Fantastic: The artwork for the second book of the Discworld series sneaks in at number 10. The events of the novel are a direct continuation of those in the preceding book, The Colour of Magic (the only Discworld novel to follow on in this manner). The cover contains the leading characters Rincewind the Wizzard and Twoflower (complete with Josh’s literal translation of ‘four eye’s’) riding atop the loveable luggage.

the light fantastic

9. Small Gods: Small Gods is the thirteenth of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, published in 1992. It tells the origin of the god Om, and his relations with his prophet, the reformer Brutha. In the process, it satirises religious institutions, people, and practices, and the role of religion in political life.
small gods

8. Wyrd Sisters: Wyrd Sisters is Terry Pratchett’s sixth Discworld novel, published in 1988. It features three witches: Granny Weatherwax; Nanny Ogg, matriarch of a large tribe of Oggs and owner of the most evil cat in the world; and Magrat Garlick, the junior witch, who firmly believes in occult jewelry, covens, and bubbling cauldrons, much to the annoyance of the other two.


7. Equal Rites / The Colour of Magic: Coming in in 7th place, are two classic covers neck and neck on the votes. The first and third Discworld novels respectively, Josh’s work shows off some stalwarts of the novels. Equal Rites introduces the character of Granny Weatherwax, who reappears in several later Discworld novels. The protagonist Eskarina Smith does not return until I Shall Wear Midnight, which was published 23 years later. Pratchett cast the character of Esk after his daughter Rhianna Pratchett. The Colour of Magic of course did not contain Josh’s artwork originally, and the first British edition printing consisted of only 506 copies.

Equal_Rites_full the colour of magic

6. Witches Abroad: Witches Abroad is the twelfth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, originally published in 1991. Following the death of the witch Desiderata Hollow, Magrat Garlick is sent her magic wand, for Desiderata was not only a witch, but also a Fairy Godmother. Having given the wand to Magrat, she effectively makes Magrat the new Fairy Godmother to a young womancalled Emberella, who lives across the Disc in Genua.


5. Hogfather / Pyramids: Yet again, we have a tie for fifth place. Hogfather is the 20th Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, and a 1997 British Fantasy Award nominee. The Hogfather is also a character in the book, representing something akin to Father Christmas. He grants children’s wishes on Hogswatchnight (December 32) and brings them presents. He also features in other Discworld novels.

Pyramids is the BSFA winning seventh Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, published in 1989. The main character of Pyramids is Teppic, prince of the tiny kingdom of Djelibeybi. Djelibeybi is the Discworld counterpart to Ancient Egypt.

20-hogfather pyramids

4. Guards! Guards!: Guards! Guards! is the eighth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, first published in 1989. It is the first novel about the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. The story follows a plot by a secret brotherhood, the Unique and Supreme Lodge of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, to overthrow the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork and install a puppet king, under the control of the Supreme Grand Master. Using a stolen magic book, they summon a dragon to strike fear into the people of Ankh-Morpork.


3. Mort: Mort was Published in 1987, it is the fourth Discworld novel and the first to focus on the character Death, who only appeared as a side character in the previous novels. The title is the name of its main character and also a play on words: in French, mort means “death”, so the French language edition is titled Mortimer.

In the BBC’s 2003 Big Read contest, viewers voted on the “Nation’s Best-loved Book”; Mort was among the Top 100 and chosen as the most popular of Pratchett’s novels. Seems like people like the artwork too!


2. Soul Music: Soul Music is the sixteenth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, first published in 1994. A young harpist, Imp Y Celyn from Llamedos (spelled backwards, “sod ’em all,” a tribute to LLareggub in Welsh poet Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood), comes to Ankh-Morpork in hopes of becoming famous. Unable to afford the Musicians Guild fees, he and fellow unlicensed musicians Lias Bluestone (a troll percussionist) and Glod Glodsson (a dwarf hornblower) form “The Band with Rocks In.” A stunning cover to one of our personal favourite Discworld novels, we love the Bat out of Hell nod in this cover.

soul music

1. Reaper Man:

Reaper Man was published in 1991, it is the 11th Discworld novel and the second to focus on Death. The title is a reference to Alex Cox’s cult movie Repo Man. The Auditors of Reality are beings who watch the Discworld to ensure everything obeys The Rules. As Death starts developing a personality the Auditors feel that he does not perform his Duty in the right way. They send him to live like everyone else. Assuming the name “Bill Door”, he works as a farm hand for the elderly Miss Flitworth. The cover really is Josh at his finest and many people were certainly drawn in to a life long addiction of Discworld through Josh’s artwork. A worthy winner, by a long way. Reaper Man garnered 40 of the overall 257 votes.

reaper man

Notable Mentions:

257 votes were cast in this survey and we had a clear winner in Reaper Man. The top five, we think are some of Josh’s strongest Discworld work, so we were more than happy to see his fans agreeing with us. Here is a complete list of all nominations and votes cast.
Reaper Man 40
Soul Music 22
Mort 20
Guards! Guards! 18
Hogfather 15
Pyramids 15
Witches Abroad 14
The Colour of Magic 13
Equal Rites 13
Wyrd Sisters 11
Small Gods 10
The Light Fantastic 9
Carpe Jugulum 8
Moving Pictures 8
Maskerade 6
Eric 5
Sourcery 5
Jingo 4
The Fifth Elephant 4
The Last Continent 4
Lords and Ladies 3
Men at Arms 3
Interesting Times 3
The Truth 1
Feet of Clay 1
Thief of Time 1
The Unseen University Challenge Quiz Book 1

This poll was conducted by A Cosmic Cornucopia, a Josh Kirby / Discworld Fan Page. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter

All artwork used is copyright of The Josh Kirby Estate.

“‘I only invented the Discworld. Josh Kirby created it.’ Terry Pratchett

A special thank you to all of the fans who made this poll possible.